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January 11 2023 Press Release

Advocates for Social Justice Respond to Devonna Walker’s Murder


Jan 11, 2023


Advocates for Social Justice Respond

to Devonna Walker’s Murder


The community demands justice for Devonna.


On January 2, Devonna Walker, 29, was found stabbed at the Cambridge Townhomes on the 2100 block of North Towne Court NE. Walker died shortly thereafter. There are eyewitnesses and video showing that Devonna was stabbed by a man, yet that man has not been arrested or charged with any crime. Furthermore, witnesses have stated that the man called Devonna racial slurs before stabbing her.

Advocates for Social Justice (ASJ) expresses condolences to the family of Devonna. As of Tuesday, January 10th, Devonna’s mother had repeatedly sought assistance from the Cedar Rapids Police Department. She did not have information regarding the case, she did not have the findings of Devonna’s autopsy report, and she had not received Devonna’s body in order to move forward with funeral preparations. We recognize that this is an active and ongoing investigation. However, the absence of an arrest and lack of transparency with the case further erodes trust between the Black community and law enforcement.

According to the FBI, “Hate crimes are not only an attack on the victim—they are meant to threaten and intimidate an entire community.” The racist nature of Devonna’s killing should be met with the utmost seriousness and pursued to the furthest extent permitted by law.

The community demands that Devonna Walker receive justice, answers, and accountability. Specific demands are:

- Release the medical examiner's findings and release Devonna’s body to her mother

[UPDATE: We were informed Devonna’s body was released yesterday]

- Arrest and charge Devonna’s murderer(s)

- Affirm that Cedar Rapids officials and agencies involved in this matter demonstrate that Black Lives Matter - that Black people are worthy of the same protection and treatment as white people

Our community has demonstrated the capacity to unite in order to push for greater racial and social justice. ASJ will continue to support community efforts that support transparency, advocacy, and public awareness. To that end, ASJ invites the public to join us for the protest organized by Parents Against Violence Everywhere (PAVE) at the Cedar Rapids Police Department at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.


Advocates for Social Justice’s mission is to promote social, political, and environmental change in the Cedar Rapids community, prioritizing the objectives of the #BLM movement. 


Advocates for Social Justice

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